Whiskers, Wings & Wiggly Things
Anole Caresheet


Scientific Name: Lampropeltis Sp.
Distribution: Various
Climate: Varies by species
Size: About 3- 5 feet
Temperment: Mild Tempered
Hardiness: Very Hardy
Photos:      Green,     Bahama
Special Considerations:
Kingsnakes and Milksnakes MUST be kept individually. They will eat each other or anything else. Most individuals will stress out if the temperatures rise above the mid 80's. This is especially true for mountain species. Always provide a hiding place.
Housing: 10 gal. for babies & 20 to 30 gal. for adults.
Lighting: Not necessary but it helps to keep colors vibrant.
Heating: Use a pad or incandescent bulb to aid in digestion.
Temperature/ Humidity: 77- 82 degrees.
Water: Offer a bowl large enough for the snake to soak in.
Food: Feed 1 or 2 appropriate sized mice every 5 to 7 days.
Cacium/ Vitamins: N/A Snakes get calcium from the bones of their prey.

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Scientific Name: Anolis carolinensis
Distribution: N. Carolina, Florida, Oklahoma, Texas
Climate: Semi- Tropical
Size: 5"- 7"
Temperment: Tame but very fast
Hardiness: Very hardy in captivity


Special Considerations:
Do not keep with large, and more aggressive reptiles. Good community pets.


Housing: 10 gal. or larger
Lighting: Use flourescent lighting for psycological benefits.
Heating: Use incandescent bulbs (40 to 60 watt).
Temperature/ Humidity: Daytime temp: 75- 82 degrees
Nighttime: 70 - 78
Basking temp: 85- 90 degrees
Humidity: Moderate
Water: Provide dripping water and mist cage 1x per day.
Food: Feed 2- 3 sm. crickets per anole every other day.
Calcium/ Vitamins: Dust crickets every other feeding (2x per week).

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