Vegetable List
Good greens: collard, mustard, parsley, bok choy,escarole, endive, dandelion,
Supplement vegetables: Spinach, cabbage, kale, broccoli, turnip, beat greens, cauliflower, romaine, red leaf, green leaf (NEVER ICEBERG), frozen mix (low sodium)
Good flowers: ALWAYS PESTICIDE FREE - roses, dandelion, geraniums, carnations, hibiscus.
Fruits: 10% of diet - Papaya, mango, figs, raspberry, banana, strawberry, cantaloupe.
Occasional friuts: apple, orange, grapes, kiwi, tomato, blueberry, pear.
Goitrogens: These vegetables stop the absorption of iodine which can lead to goiter. These vegetables are healthy but should be fed only occasionally. Broccoli, kale, turnips, cabbage family greens.
Oxalates: These vegetables stop the absorption of calcium and minerals. If these vegetable are fed in excess calcium deficiencies are likely. Spinach, peas, cabbage, potato, beats, rubarb.