Jackson Chameleon

Scientific Name: |
Chamaeleo jacksonii |
Distibution: |
Kenya, Tanzania, Oahu |
Climate: |
Tropical |
Size: |
4- 5 inches average |
Temperment: |
Shy animals |
Hardiness: |
Hardy in captivity if set up properly |
Special Considerations: Chameleon are shy animals that do not enjoy handling. provide plenty of climbing areas and lots of foliage for hiding. |
Housing: |
Minimum 3ftx 2ftx 2ft ventilated enclosure |
Lighting: |
UVB flourescent lighting is crucial to health of these animals. |
Heating: |
Use ceramic or incandescent bulbs of appropriate wattage |
Temperature/ Humidity: |
75- 79 degrees ambient 85 degrees basking 50- 75% humidity |
Water: |
Dripping water |
Food: |
Small to medium crickets, wax worms, butterworms |
Calcium/ Vitamins: |
dust crickets 2x week for adults and verey other feeding for babies and juveniles |